
Flawed Logic

This is not a mobile post, but that's ok. Instead it's a post to vent out some frustrations that I have had over the past couple months/weeks/days...about people and their flawed logic.

It's basically surrounded by the same kind of person, but takes on different personas. First, you have the idiots...the people that think they know what they are talking about, but really have no clue - or heard someone else say it, so they think they know it too. For example, I was at work today, and had to fix a connection to a printer. The perceived problem, by the teacher/lady was that *I* broke it when I updated the computers yesterday. But that was only one of the "problems." The other was that they couldn't connect to the printer, by adding it through the Add Printer wizard in Windows.

The *actual* problem, was that the computer's network cable had come unplugged. If she'd bothered to get off her ass and look at the screen, she'd have noticed that the network connection was disconnected on the Windows Desktop. She did not. Then when I connected it, she INSISTED on telling the student how to connect the printer to the computer, refusing to let me correct her misinformation, because "I have it right here on the screen." Let me let you in on a little secret....I DON'T CARE!!! Who is getting paid to do IT work? ME! What is your title? ARTS AND SCIENCES SECRETARY! You are a SECRETARY! Shut the hell up and let me do my job, and quit wasting my time!

I plugged in the computer, added the network printer, printed out a test page, wrote down the correct path that she needs to tell her students next time she INSISTS on telling them how to set up a printer, and left. WTF.

The other kind are the religious fanatics/hypocrites. I used to be a pretty religious person...then there were thoughts. The kind of thoughts that one has when one realizes ones state of being, and that said state is temporary, and has no lasting impact on anything, and no logical explanation to fit in the whole after-life thing. Sure I believe that if there is an afterlife, it would be in Heaven, and I try to subscribe people to that belief. But my life here is going to be one that I enjoy the limited, one-dimensional vector of time that I am alloted.

I have all kinds of people around me that give up their ability to make things happen because they are "waiting on an answer from God." That's great and all...but while you're waiting, you could be doing something to better your chances of the requested outcome. "I'm waiting on God to give me a job at the Church he wants me to be at"....that's great - but while you're waiting, why don't you go apply at local churches, and get a job he doesn't necessarily want you to be at, in the meantime, so you're not a bum with a degree in religion?

I don't have time to wait on things...especially if they are things that I have the ability to attempt to acquire. I also don't have time to be wasted on holding back various things that I'd like to have. If I have the money to get it, then I'll get it. Sure it may be cheaper or free if I pray or something, but so what? I'm given one life, and one shot, and one chance, and then it's over.

Another type of people that bug me (like I mentioned above) are the hypocrites. Recently there was a spat on my website. Someone posted a thread about if a girl would post their pic in their undies, he would do the same thing. That was fine as a thread...it didn't go anywhere. Then another member came along, unknowingly posting a pic in a swimsuit-like outfit, and then he posted his pic in his boxers. Then another guy posted his pic in his boxers, with a laptop covering the private area - suggesting he was nude. Ok....but then the naive "religious" admin came along and complained about "soft core" being allowed on the site....in the name of religious morales, of course. And that's fine....or it would have been.

It would have been fine if this person's complaint also reflected her choices in her lifestyle. You can't complain to me about "softcore" (which it's not, but it *is* suggestive) when you sleep with your boyfriend every night. You can't complain about people drinking when you've been drinking since you were 16 -regardless of whether your parents gave it to you, or approved.
You can't complain about anything that someone else is doing if you're doing something similar too. It's a major turn off to people when you live one way, and then come back with all this "love of God, forgiveness of sins, don't sin, go to heaven, Jesus, Mary, and all the saints" kind of talk. It rings hollow.

People that do the Christian thing are fine...if they're doing it. People that talk about the Christian thing need to shut up, if they're not going to do it. I am certainly no model person here, but I know that if I am going to call someone out on something, I make dang certain that I am not going to be called out for the same thing or similar in my own life.

Another kind of person that bugs me, are the kind that want to force something down your throat...be it words, ideas, views, or objects (heh). But mostly the words, etc, are what I come into contact with. There are some people in this world that just don't care what you have to say. You need to learn to recognize those people, and identify them before you go spinning your wheels trying to convince them that the world is round, and the moon's not cheese. They have their viewpoints, and are most likely not going to change them. On rare occasion there are the people that are willing to change their perspective if you can give them a valid reason that they are wrong, with no subjective ideas in that reason. I am one of them. If you can prove to me that I am wrong with what I say, then I will concede my opinion to match yours. If all you can come to me with is subjective ideas, and nothing hard-core, objective, or concrete, then you're wasting your time.

There is no point in arguing with the rest of the people though. They don't care, and all you're doing is wasting everyone's time. That is my take on spreading Christianity. If they don't want to hear it, I am not going to throw it in your face, force it down your throat, and drown you in the Baptismal Water. You've got free will and choice just like I do - make your decisions, and in the end, if you were wrong, well then it sucks to be you. If you were right all along, then you got lucky, and it sucks to be me. It's whatever. We've all only got one chance at life here, and if you're reading this, chances are your life is already 15-30%+ over. And the closer you get to the end, the faster it appears to go.

Six years ago, I was 18....in 6 years, I'll be 30. That is 3 decades under my belt, and I still remember from when I was 9 like it was last week. Time is running out, days are numbered, life is short. So quit your bitchin' and get along with everyone. It's the last time you're going to see them.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

i just realized that you're updating this blog...i've been under a rock. i understand your frustration in many of these areas. unfortunately, we all know people that fit in these categories... i just try to remember not to be any of them and to choose my friends wisely. :)