
No Love and a LoveSac

It's been a boring day today.

I missed out on a girlfriend this month - I didn't move quick enough because I wasn't 100% sure if I could hang with the bad habits she had (since you gotta be down with both the good an the bad). I had come around to giving it a shot, but she apparently found a bf in the meantime, and didn't bother telling me, even though we went out thursday night.

But, it's whatever by this point - I kinda actually wish someone could break my heart because the depression that follows is a pretty good diet plan - especially when you can't afford groceries anyway. :razz:

However, I am down lower on the scale than I have been for a while - and resisted the temptation to go celebrate by hitting up McDonald's...haha, I had Panda Express instead. I got the Bejing Chicken (which I thought was spicy when the girl gave me a sample last time) but if you eat it in an actual serving, it's not so spicy. But I couldn't handle the flavor any more than the one serving. My favorite there is the Mandarin Chicken, with a cup of the Mandarin sauce.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to go take a crack at doing a modeling shoot for the roommate of the girl above. She saw my flickr, and liked my pictures, and wanted me to shoot her for a portfolio. I told her that I shoot mostly objects, and not people but that I'd give it a shot and see how it turns out for this one-outfit-session for free...and then if it works and they look good, we'll talk money for more outfits.

It's supposed to rain tonight, and be cool tomorrow, so that's fantastic - I hate being outside when it's above 75...probably when it's above 70.

I've been kinda bored at home - I have some cleaning I could do, but I'm not motivated. I did make plans for my Economic Stimulus package check I'm getting - I am gonna finally ditch my couch and get a LoveSac! I'm going to visit the store in one of the two malls that have them here in DFW when I get the check, and see if it's worth it...or if it'll even fit in my apartment. According to the measurements it would, but I have to move the two single chairs back over by the sliding glass door, and the Sac would take up that entire railing corner of the room...


That is what you see as soon as you walk into the door (but flipped horizontally, this is a pic of the show room for my layout) but that floor immediately in front of you as you walk in, from the wall to the pole, and then from the rail almost all the way towards you would be a LoveSac - massive ass. But it has to be, if it's replacing my couch.

People finally won't be like "oh, man, I didn't realize your couch was so low" ..."yeah, my stepbrother broke it..." They'll say "dude, sweet! a bean bag!" And I'll punch them in the face, and say "It's not a damn beanbag" like the slogan is on their site. http://www.lovesac.com

That's all I've got right now. Gotta find something to do - maybe I'll start cleaning, but it's not likely.
Blogged with the Flock Browser


Game Servers

So, the only post that has gotten any legit outside attention on my tech blog has been one about setting up a UT3 server at www.thepizzy.net/blog. So maybe I should start writing more how-to posts for setting up servers.

I've done it for Age of Empires, Empire Earth II, Blockland, Dungeon Seige II, and a couple more I think. So I'll start blogging them when I have to set them up again.

This is pretty much just a post from one of my blogs to link to the other, so that it'll get more traffic, and help people find the server setup post on Google. There aren't any ads on either blog - so I'm not trying to make money.


the new version of agile messenger sucks ass
it has come to downloading Frets on Fire for the work PC, and being a Keyboard Hero...I'm that out of things to do
listening to Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory Album makes me want to go play old-skool Unreal Tournament
I've searched the googles, check the myspaces and facebooks, and read the-spot.nets. still bored and tired
both alarms went off...but I still did not hear them. i'm so tired...


ping.fm now trumps the twitter update, only because myspace is too ghey to add a twitter update app