Well, I just spent a little bit of time over the last 3 days encrypting my previous journal entries to Binary, like I had originally started to do when I first posted here.
"The point?" you say...it is so Google can't crawl my journal, and make my personal information searchable by other people. It's also to deter any unwanted people from finding me, and/or reading my journal. If they really care, they'll take the time to decrypt the binary to read it. I think it's a much better method than deleting the whole journal in one swoop, like chica did - which is sad and disheartening ;) .
Yesterday, wizard and mandaloo moved most of Wiz's big things from his house/storage to his new apartment...today he's just got boxes and stuff left - but it's still too much work to do, disabling him from doing lunch with Hambone and I. But like I said, I don't anticipate seeing him until sometime next weekend.
Hambone is on his way over again to play more games - at some point the games get pointless, and I foresee that time coming soon. There's no excitement in it for me...at least not as much as there was when we started this shindig.
I'm having to do more intelligent stuff at work -the kinds of things that wizard and I used to work on in our spare time, just to do it...the games are preventing that work, but so is my lack of desire to actually do it in my time off.
Instead, I have been wanting to work on tsnX and the next version - which will be infinitely simpler to mess with...but my creativity isn't there. I have been trying to come up with a new box-set for the tables on the site, and/or a new design for the logo, but I can't quite hit what is in my head. It doesn't come out on the computer right. But I'll keep fooling with it, and see if something comes out. I am apparently not too good at this whole "web 2.0" design technique...or at Photoshop.
I've already got the next version's code in place - I just have to do another frappin' database conversion - and this time, there is a whole different kind of database schema...which means that some data will be lost - metadata, like calendar dates and stuff for the posts. But I think that will be fine, we don't use the calendar anyway, all that much. And the new site has all the features that I've modded into mine, but they're built into the base code - so they're natively supported.
It took a year to come up with tsnV, and only 6 months until it was killed...and then by force, I had to come up with tsnV.ii which evolved into tsnX...and that's been around for about 9 months now, and just finally coming out of beta...even though I can't get the graphic for the new start page to do what I want. I also don't know what version to make the new one...tsnXI? tsnY? tsn7? technically it's the 7th version...but technically tsnX was the last version I was going to do.
I'll stop going on about this for now...I just got an idea for a new header thing...
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