And so concludes another chapter in the life of [[Neo]].
Now, there wasn't much of a marquee moment in that conclusion...just a decision to start new with some the new job, the new desire for a girlfriend, and the new goals for this year.
In Chapter 6, we discover [[Neo]] having more debt than he realized he could sustain, and his solution to get out of it; another failure at a blind-date, but with positive results just on the horizon; and finally some job successes.
Join him on his adventures across the internet, the living room, and even he embarks on a new journey through life, liberty, and the pursuit of a breakfast at Denny's with friends. Share in his frustrations with the world, and the people in it. Laugh at his misfortunes, weep for his happiness.
Having said that...let's get started. Things have subsided for the most part with my frustrations with the world. Occasionally I have moments where I want to go on and on about something that a general populace has the ignorance to commit, but I find myself with only a cellphone keyboard, and cellular internets, and I can't be typing a long entry on a 3.5" keyboard, now can I?
The problem that I have, is that I've been taught to forget too well. Forgive, forget, or whatever you want to call it. There are some occasions that the instance completely alters my life, and those are hard to forget, because you spend the rest of your days reordering your existence to accommodate that event. There are others that alter just your day, and by the next day you forget all about it, and can't even rant and rave to let it out if you tried.
One thing that bugs me though is about girls. This is not really anything important, or life altering, or even just exclusively related to girls...guys do it too. It's being Fickle. And in combination with "fickality" there is compassion. That's a jacked up combination there. Because in one instance, you have someone that can't make up their mind about something...and then they don't want to tell you their decision because it could hurt your feelings, and they "don't want you to get hurt." There is a Memo out for those people, and I guess they didn't get it...
The minute you face that fact, the sooner you can realize that you have to be up front with folks when you're telling them something. Sure it may feel better to let them walk away from the situation feeling just a little better than if you had told them the flat-out honest truth about something...But when they go and make other decisions based on this false sense of understanding that you've given them, things get much worse.
You can't say you're interested in someone, and not agree to go out with them every time they ask...You can't say you still love someone, if you're telling the same thing to someone else behind their back...You can't say that you want to spend a little time apart, and give them the hope for the future, when you don't have any plans for a future with them. That's called lying.
There's something wrong with the world when everything has to be sugar coated, because no one can handle the real truth. At work, you have to wear boots because the political bullshiz is so deep. There are the people in charge, and there are the people who are not in charge. And within that second group of people, there are the people-pleasers...these are the people who have to go to the people in charge, remove the stick that is firmly placed up their ass, and remove it ever so gently...sniff it...nicely place it back from whence it came, and say to them "You're absolutely right, your crap doesn't stink."
I am not one of those persons. And that is simply a "for the record" (ftr). I can't be the kind of person to tell someone one thing, while I mean the other. I used to be able to do that...and it was hard work to keep up with my story, and the flavor of bullshiz I was spoon feeding them, so that I could get things done. But for some reason, at some point in my life, that all changed, and I started being just plain old me.
So, when I am starting out in something new, I let the person know up front that I'm going to tell them how I see it. And they're either going to like it, or they're not. In a relationship, I let the girl know "I don't play games, so don't get mad at me if you're just playing. I don't do arguments for fun, I don't give false compliments, I don't yell, and I don't hit." So when she says "Does this make me look fat?" she will get an honest answer.
Or if I am at work, I don't do the political crap. If there is a problem, then I will have a solution for it, that functions within the written policies and procedures. I don't care if there is a board member that has a buddy in a particular industry that does what we need...if their price is too high, their quality too low, or their reputation too bad, I'm not going to agree to it. I don't care if someone whines to someone else above me...if there is a problem, my job is to solve it, not kiss ass, and bandaid it.
Now...having said all of that - there are people that disagree with my philosophy in practice, but agree with the sentiment. They would like to do it that way, but they say that they can't...that it can't be done that way. I don't see why it can't. Who does the boss think that he is, that we should have to perform our responsibilities half-ass so that someone else doesn't whine? Is not the object of a company to become an efficient, well-oiled machine to crank out whatever product/service it is that we produce? I should put a disclaimer in here though that my boss is not one of those people that we have to kiss up to...and neither is his boss. But the later boss has the unfortunate job of having to remove the previously mentioned sticks from the other big-shots' rears.
I guess I will never be able to comply with the demands of the political game that people try to play. I am not fickle, and my compassion rarely gets in the way of my frank thoughts. I will try to break it nicely to someone if there is a negative news coming their direction, but I will not sugar coat it to change the meaning. Communication is an important function in society...few organisms have that capability, and I don't choose to abuse it. People need the correct information in order to make the correct decisions...tainting the info with rose-colored glasses turns everything from that point forward, rose-colored.
1 comment:
in the days of my youth, i would try to preserve feelings and would often not say what was on my mind, for fear of hurting someone's feelings and such. but as i've wised up, i quickly saw that i was not doing anyone any favors. i've become blunt - especially to those close to me (as they have the potential to bring up subjects i actually care about). i recently had a conversations class where it was pointed out that we shouldn't have to pick our battles... it makes us comfortable in getting "stuck" of sorts. and i don't know why, but that simple twist of mindset has shifted my approach lately. some people might hide the truth or sugar coat things because they don't know what they want, or they like attention, or they genuinely don't know how to communicate and fear sacrificing a relationship.
there is a true story where there was a plane with a skilled pilot in control. and the plane crashed - they had an investigation to see what happened. apparently, a red light had come on right before they were going to land and the pilot didn't know what it was. he was so fixated on figuring out the problem that he circled around the airport for a long long time. all the while, the fuel was running low. other crew members saw that the fuel was running out but nobody said anything. why? because this was a seasoned pilot and they didn't want to offend him, for fear of losing their jobs. so the plane crashed. it's an extreme example, but how many daily "crashes" do we all experience for fear of not speaking up? now, we shouldn't be rude or mean, but that doesn't mean that effectiveness should be compromised for the sake of preserving "feel goods" all around.
i look forward to chapter seven.
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