Yesterday sucked a sack of pen0rs. I knew it would when I got up in the morning. I guess it's one of those Monday things.
I got into work, and started working on the TeraServer like my boss asked me to on Friday. It hadn't done anything like it was supposed to...but I also didn't know what I was doing. I knew now. So, there was that...I let it do its thing, and went to work on LDAP or something...and broke it. Not necessarily me breaking it, but that it was not working entirely in the first place.
You know, I don't really remember what happened yesterday that made it suck so bad...all I know is that the TeraServer wasn't working like it should, and LDAP wasn't working like it should, and I had to walk around in the rain with my laptop to go test ports in various buildings. I don't like being wet in lots of clothes, or in nice clothes...I hate it. It's why I didn't test the rides at six flags that involved water if I was wearing an undershirt, or if it was cold.
So, about was better...but still slightly sucked...until the end. I finished up the TeraServer this morning before lunch, and gave it to the IT Director to work on...I come back to the room, and a couple minutes later he comes it, has me check a webpage, and shows me that another one of the hard drives I have to start over. wtf. And that it's due by the end of the day, because he needs it tomorrow. W.T.F.
I go to lunch, and come back to work on that - this time I know what I am doing though...and as much as I hate to have to pull out that hard drive again, I resolve that if I fix it this time, and it fails again, then we don't use the server. I go test the hard drive, and the computer doesn't even recognize that it's connected, and it's not spinning - so I tell him that the drive is dead...and that I can sell him 16 120GB identical hard drives for his 2x8-disk array for $50/ea...but he said to just leave it out of the array of 7, the other of 8 with a hot spare in each. Whatever. I spend the rest of the afternoon going back and forth between LDAP and TS while the arrays build/format/install RHEL. In the meantime, I start over with Fedora Directory Server, from command line, since that is how I am used to working with linux - and find out that you can save the directory for fedora-ds, but it doesn't mean it's a backup...and you have to create a new certificate request and get it signed again. v_v
By the end of the day, the TeraServer is up and running, waiting for the Director to go in and configure it to do what he wants, and I am left with well as some other servers that he gave me to do now...2 Dell 1950s that are configured with Logical Volume Groups and he wants ext3 filesystem on them....WHO CARES?!?! If it works, it works...there is no need for all this bullcrap about changing stuff because it's not a particular way!
Also, the Network Admin is building a Sun box to compete with my Fedora Directory Server box to see who can get done faster. Right now though, he has to start over with installing the OS - so I have a little bit of time to try and figure out what is wrong with mine. I redid the SSL stuff on the console, but now I can't get into the console, because I told it to use SSL inside the console. I'm a nub...but I don't know why there is no admin-serv-<instance>-cert8.db file for it to find when doing encryption with the Admin Console...nor have I found documentation on it yet either.
I finally did my FAFSA tonight, and I have an expected family contribution of over $9,000...holy shazbots!! I don't even have money to go out to eat, much less to pay for school. I hope I can get some serious loan money or something. I need to finish school, and if something like grants or loans can take care of it, I can get out of there and have my degree.
I guess that's all for now. I got sidetracked by Kate Beckensale in Underworld: Evolution.