So I'm still sitting here, and there is nothing to do while the databases upload than to watch TV. So tonight, after I watched some cartoons on Cartoon Network, I watched Pride and Prejudice, the 2003 remake.
I have seen glimpses of the 1996 version with Winonna Ryder and the movie was in old England days. This one takes place in California in today's standards with today's English. It was much easier to understand and to enjoy - as it were.
For those that don't know, it's about these 5 sisters, one is the oldest (Elizabeth), one is the attractive one (Jane), one is the conservative (Mary), one is a ditz (Kitty), and she is bossed by the youngest (Lidia). The oldest is also a novelest that is trying to get her book published. Oh, and the bitch, Chelsea, I think.
There are some guys in it is the Brit - Darcy, then Charles who is an airhead and salesman for Mozart for pets. There is Collins, who is the clueless guy who doesn't get the hint, and Jack who is a scheming womanizer.
The gist of it is this, and it's kinda tricky....
The girls go to a party...
Elizabeth is avoiding Collins. Mary likes Collins. Collins won't have it with Mary.
Jane is always picked up by guys, in this case Charles. Lidia and Kitty try to seduce Charles for themself (or Lidia's self).
Chelsea is with Darcy, and likes Darcy. Darcy does not like Chelsea.
Jack shows up at the party, and is asked to leave by Darcy.
Girl stuff happens
Darcy runs the publishing house that picks up Elizabeth's book. Elizabeth has already met Darcy at her job as a bookstore clerk. Darcy asks her out, she declines for being insulted by him to her boss. Her book is offered to be bought by Darcy's publishing house. She won't have it. Drama ensues.
Darcy apologizes to Elizabeth for Elizabeth's being a retard at the lunch she was invited to for discussing her book. (Some girls are like's not the guy's fault, but still expect them to apologize for the girl being a 'tard....nubs)
Elizabeth and Jane go on ice-cream binges because they're depressed or something, or just need an excuse to eat ice cream and sit around in their pj's all day. Lidia intervenes and requires them to get out of the house.
More girl stuff happens
Elizabeth and Jane go for a walk in the forest, and Jane meets up with Charles on his bike. She leaves Elizabeth, who takes a nap, dreams she is in her book in the rain and dark. She wakes up to find herself in such a situation...runs through the forest to get back to her car, which she thinks is a couple feet away. Instead she ends up at a cabin - ironically it's Darcy's (what a coinsidence <_< ). She meets Darcy's sister, gets dry clothes, and dinner. Chelsea shows up, causes dissention with her "I'm a bitch" face, puts her ring on the other finger, and suggests that she take Elizabeth to her car. She tells Elizabeth (who had already started to take interest in Darcy by this point in the night) that her and he are engaged to be married while Elizabeth is off to London for a school study-abroad program.
Elizabeth gets home to find out that Lidia has run off to Nevada to get married to Jack, the womanizer - who according to Darcy, has had multiple wives at the same time, which was the reason they did not get along, and why he asked Jack to leave the party. Elizabeth, Jane, Kitty and Charles all run to Vegas to stop the wedding, and call Darcy to assist, since he's closer.
Darcy gets there first, starts a skrimish with Jack, the others arrive, the wedding is stopped. The cops are called in, Jack's arrested, Darcy is handcuffed. Darcy wants to confess his love for Elizabeth, but she thinks he is going to inform her that he's engaged. She leaves the church to head home under this assumption. Darcy wonders why she doesn't let him speak, finds out from Charles that there is rumor of his engagement, and Charles uses his Mozart for Dogs music on the cop's dogs, which has an ill effect on the German Sheppards. Darcy escapes, runs through town, to catch up with Elizabeth and the others to explain the situation. He makes it, tells Elizabeth the truth, and they fall in love, again.
So there's your 1000 page book, condensed into a 2 hour movie, and further condensed into a couple paragraphs. It *is* a funny movie though. But...some people are able to watch movies for what they are, it's when you have expectations that they become chick-flicks or disappointing.
Now I watch Batman Begins.
You know which one you saw, you saw the Mormon version of Pride and Prejudice. I know this, because I have that one at home. If you would have paid close attention, you would have seen that. You would have also seen that they are not actually sisters in this version. I like the movie, it's cute.
I know they weren't sisters in that one, they were roommates...but I don't think it has anything to do with mormonism. Only Jack was a convicted bigomist.
Well, if you pay attention to the church they go to..and some of the things said by...hmm..that crazy guy that proposes to 3 of the would realize that it was made by Mormons. That's what I meant by Mormon version. That basically, it was written and stuff by Mormons, and a company most likely based in Utah, and owned by people that are Mormon. Not that it is owned and published by the Mormon church or anything. And they never come out right and say they are Mormon.'s one way to know, when they are at that party, and that big guy is talking to Elizabeth, he starts talking to her about the virtues of a woman or something, and he quotes a talk or something from an Ensign, and he actually says the word Ensign. The Ensign is a Mormon magazine that we get monthly.
the movie takes place in provo, utah. I will conceed that there is mormon influence in it. :-p
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